Kathy Joosten

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Kathy Joosten first toiled as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.  She was also a wallpaper hanger, and even employed by Welcome Wagon.  Yes, just a little over eight years ago she entered the show biz world and now we can get a double hit of Kathy on the tube.  She plays the left-over hippie, Claire, on Dharma and Greg and the in-your-face Mrs.  Landingham, the President's secretary on The West Wing.  This mother of two boys chats to A&U about eating a greasy Big Mac, drinking from the faucet and wearing a nightshirt to bed.

Having grown up in this era of AIDS, how has it impacted you?
I grew up way before the era of AIDS.  In fact, I came to womanhood at the same time as "free love."  Now that was a time!  I've watched that change from "everyone does it when they want " to "Wow!  I'd better be careful!"  As a parent of kids who've gown up during the AIDS era, I've been much more forceful and specific with the boys about sexually transmitted diseases.

What's your favorite Web site?
I'm on several actor Web sites where we discuss the busines.  The main one is Wolfesden.

How do you dress for a first date, and where do you carry your condom?
You've got to be kidding!  That was so long ago, I don't remember.  As for the latter part of your question, I leave that to the realm of memory, also.

Would you rather have a new VW Toon car, or a Turbo Porsche 911?
Frankly, neither one.  I have a Rav4 and I like cars that are designed to go from point A to B without any frills.

Have you tried any alternative therapies as opposed to Western medicine?
I was a registered nurse for ten years and tend to stick to old-fashioned medicine, but I'm not averse to alternative therapies.

Would you rather have a Big Mac or coq au vin?
Depends on the time of the day.  There is nothing greater than a greasy Big Mac on a Saturday afternoon.  I'll go for the coq au vin at dinner.

Kathy Joosten

What brand of water do you carry with you?
I don't carry water.  When I get thirsty, I turn on the faucet.

If you had the opportunity to have a dinner date with anyone from history who would it be?
Queen Elizabeth I.

Who is your favorite star?
You mean other than myself?  Probably a toss-up between Alec Guinness and Katharine Hepburn.

When you get into bed at night, do you wear pajamas, nightshirt, undies, or nothing?
Why, are you planning on dropping in?  Usually a nightshirt.

What can we do to help during this ongoing HIV/AIDS crisis?
Just keep doing good work.